This week we exchanged companions with the Sister Leader companionship in our zone. This is called "Exchanges." It was quite an adventure! I stayed here at Fort Bragg with Sister Prestwich and we proceeded to witness miracle after miracle. We were led to find so many people to teach, we didn't have a dull moment! By 8:30, when we left to drive home, we were exhausted and ready to hit the hay. And that's when we got lost. So we began driving around Fort Bragg for about an hour trying to find a gate off base that wasn't already closed for the night. You all know me when I'm tired. It wasn't a pretty sight: me viciously punching the buttons on the GPS, and staring bleary eyed into the distance trying to decipher the far-off road signs. As we raced around in the pitch darkness with enormous forests of pine trees surrounding us, we heard a sudden screech and thump and looked at each other in horror as it dawned on us: we had just killed a cat. Sister Prestwich burst out laughing, and I shook my head in disbelief. Poor kitty! We continued racing at top speed to get home before curfew. Finally, we decided we would call the Zone Leaders, assigned Fort Bragg, for directions. (Following their directions, we got even more lost). With prayers in our hearts, we found a soldier who explained which way to go, and began to roll on home. Now, finally on the straight and narrow, we dared a small smile in hope of arriving home. But no. Just a couple seconds down the road, Sister Prestwich is hailed by the flashing blue lights. We shake our heads in disbelief. Luckily, the cop says we were going too fast for him to clock us, (miracle!!). Unable to ticket us, he offers a warning and further directions home. It suffices me to say that we slept deeply that night. (:
Sheri's baptism was wonderful! Sister Hardy and I sang "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing," and Sheri cried and cried. I feel so lucky to have witnessed a part of her journey to the Savior. She has so much peace and joy and hope for her future with her husband. The Lord prepared her for us to teach, and I have a testimony that he is "preparing the hearts of many to receive." Alma 13:24 You are His angels.
So how are your missionary experiences y'all??? I hope and pray that you have the courage to cast out fear through the perfect love of Christ and live a consecrated life! He loves us all, and we are called as children of Ephraim to preach the Gospel to all the Earth!
I love to hear all of your words of encouragement, and the funny and delightful and sad and frustrating things happening in your lives.
Big news at Zone Conference was that we are now authorized to proselyte online! We are cleaning out our facebook accounts and friending people in our area to begin teaching and finding people there. CRAZY! The Lord is hastening His work. Just so you know. (; My first thought was: Dad will love this. LOL. Dad, I guess your new Facebook addiction was meant to be.
I am not authorized to chat it up with you online, but if you see my green dot, and you need some spiritual encouragement, shoot me a hello! I will be focused on inviting others to come unto Christ, and won't be able to see any of your posts etc. We are blocking all of that. So DON'T STOP EMAILING AND SENDING LETTERS!! Also, Rachel or Elise will need to direct people to their pages or my blog to get updates on my address etc. Feel free to like my posts, or direct friends or family to my page to get some spiritual uplift. I will do my best.
The first time I got on to begin changing security settings, I saw the cutest picture of Juni! Satan is so sneaky! I almost started stocking Elise and Zac's pages, hungry for more pictures of our family. But quickly, I obeyed our directions, and resisted the urge.
I hope this is evidence enough of how much I miss you all! Send me pictures! Send me updates (: I read them voraciously. Even descriptions of the weather! I miss Utah! I love you
Sister B