In North Carolina, when people say goodbye, they like to say: "Have a blessed day!" I have taken to saying this wherever I go. It reminds me that the greatest days and the most wonderful experiences are gifts and blessings from God.
We have our whole world to be thankful for!
Our week has been a series of disappointments and miracles... I guess that sums up missionary work. Tori, one of our less active sisters, is very young and newly married. She is quite bubbly, and trying to nag her non-member husband to church. On our weekly visit, we happened to arrive when one of her good friends was there. Her friend, Regina, was intrigued to meet missionaries, and listened to the message of the Restoration curiously.
What a testimony to us, and Tori, that the gospel is not an "awkward" conversation! Neither is it detrimental to friendships to simply share what we know and have found to be true. I am grateful for the missionaries who shared the gospel with our family. Can you imagine if they had been scared of being awkward, or that people would think they were weird??
We must have faith. I believe the song, "If the Savior Stood Beside Me," should be changed to, "Because the Savior Stands Beside Me." He truly does. As we walk with His Spirit, He stands among us. D&C 6:32 Sharing the gospel is a gift of love. Sharing our testimones is the best way for us to develop the pure love of Christ. Good news is: we can share them every day!
D&C 88:81
I Love the hard days. Somehow they turn out to be the most blessed. Sister Hardy and I definitely find loads to laugh about. And we constantly remind each other that everything happens for a reason, and God has a plan, and do excuse my multiplicity of run-on sentances. (:
I hope and pray y'all's days are blessed as you live and keep your covenants. There is no trial or obstacle that will not be helped as we seek the Lord. I know that Jesus Christ lives. "He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death." Mosiah 16:9
Remember to thank our Veterans and Service Men for their service to our country today!
I LOOOOOVE YOU FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Your letters mean so much to me! I feel your prayers each day!
Sister B
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