Monday, February 10, 2014

Making Things Happen

Heavenly Father has given us the power to make things happen. This is called faith. When we exercise our faith (i.e. pray, get up in the morning, take sacrament, study scriptures, put HF first) we create opportunities for ourselves to become like Him. We make good things happen by submitting our will to His.
This Saturday, Sister Arave was having really bad pain in her stomach and back. I gave her oils, prayed with her and rubbed her back, she got a priesthood blessing, and she rested under her heated blanket for a few hours, but the pain didn't change. We counseled with the mission doctor and decided to go to the ER.
Emergency Rooms are kind of scary late at night. We ended up being there for almost 8 hours. It was awful, but there was a definite purpose for this experience. At first, I couldn't believe that I didn't have enough faith to make Sister Arave get better! I was confused and frustrated. I was missing the point though. We come to find out as the night went on: The nurse that took care of us had a best friend in Maine who is a member of the church. Nurse Sharon was overjoyed to take care of us, and told us all about her favorite things about the church. She asked if she could take us out to dinner with her husband once Sister Arave was feeling better. All of a sudden it hit me: Our faith in God allowed us to cross paths with Sharon. We made that happen. Because we were praying and seeking for Heavenly Father's help, we got to meet her and teach her more about the restored church.
This experience reminds me of Enos's experience-- "And I said Lord, how is it done? And he said unto me: Because of thy faith in Christ, whom thou hast never before heard nor seen." (vs. 7-8)
I know Heavenly Father hears and answers all of our prayers. His ways may not be our ways, but His is the most joyful and fulfilling way, individually prepared for each of us to discover our unique talents and to become creators of good things. Why do bad things happen? 1 Nephi 11:17. He loves us. I know it, I promise I do.
I am grateful for questions and for the Holy Spirit. I am grateful for every person that has tried to leave a piece of truth in the world. If we let them, all true things will testify of the love of God.
Love y'all!
Sister B
p.s. Sister Arave is doing better. We feel your prayers.

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